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tv   Headline News  RT  February 21, 2013 12:00pm-12:28pm EST

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this is r.t. tonight fifty three people are dead after a series of explosions rocks the syrian capital the ruling party's headquarters and the russian embassy suffered damage in the blast. the adoptive mother of a three year old russian boy says his tragic death a month ago was an accident russia wants child abuse allegations probe further though while officials still await autopsy results. and lights out britain faces the prospect of energy shortages as e.u. regulations force the u.k. to search for power over seas.
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good evening a very warm welcome if you just joined us this is r.t. live at nine pm with me kevin i know in our top story the series of explosions rocked the syrian capital today the state news agency says fifty three people were killed and more than two hundred injured in the most powerful bomb blast it also caused severe damage shattering windows and sending a cloud of smoke above the city this is the free syrian army opposition group has given hezbollah or a forty eight hour deadline now to stop shelling its locations from neighboring lebanon our middle east correspondent paula as the details. a car bomb has exploded near the headquarters of the ruling baath party in central damascus it happened in front of a barrier with regular troops are stationed this is also not far from the russian embassy according to eyewitnesses there was a gunfire off to the blast that seemed to come from the vicinity of the russian embassy compound and the building there now both government and opposition forces all confirming the best this boston fact did take place but we are hearing from
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opposition fighters and opposition sources and activists that they work east to either so more tenuous explosions we have no independent confirmation of this at this stage state media is reporting that there has been many casualties they are courting that a suicide bombing that was carried out to quote by terrorists there are also reports as of yet unconfirmed that all four of his have in that position a truck that was carrying up to some three hundred kilograms of explosives now there seems to have been a large number of children among the wounded and this is largely because it happened near a school syrian television is ball costing footage of at least four bodies that have been thrown along a main street and also footage of firefighters that are down seeing dozens of burning vehicles that were in the vicinity this conflict is likely and in fact is already spilling across the border today thursday is the expiry date of a forty eight hour deadline that was issued by syrian rebels to the eleven nice
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political party has been now the ultimatum says that hizbollah needs to stop shelling free syrian army controlled areas or otherwise it will retaliate it follows several days of clashes between syrian rebels and his bill of militants near the lebanese border so far has been has not officially responded to the straits but it certainly has more regional implications and we're now seeing this kind of conflict between two warring factions on either side of the border and at the same time if indeed the. ultimatum passes today and there is no response it also seems to present a sonali in which you have assumed rebels giving a lot of hard and walk talk but actually not following up with much action on the ground so they'll be hard pressed to make good on the threats. well we invite you to follow a policy on twitter if you get a moment for regular updates what's happening in the region she's posting developments on syria and also the repercussions for its neighbors as well. so
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whether the free syrian army will actually attack hezbollah in lebanon remains an open question tonight as well as middle east expert tariq ali explained their bark is often worse than their bite but worth it to do that they would be dealing with a totally different entity thembi deal within syria because as follows a popular mass organization with the support of a very sizable section of the lebanese population and watched that going to be going to be to reopen the wounds of previous civil wars in lebanon which no one wants neither has learned nor its opponents and backer don't forget the last attempt to crush as well that i was made by these release who invaded lebanon on bond of beirut tried to crush but suffered reverses themselves in a recent attack was and the syrian government. it will say and do you stabilize it further they should be
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a political settlement that this ugly stalemate should not be allowed to continue. any longer and they're both saner elements within the opposition should sit down and see what can be sorted out even at this late it late stage because if this doesn't happen the war will expand as we are seeing into lebanon on and then anything's possible. still to come here in artsy with me kevin are in a leap of faith in jordan support for the muslim brotherhood surging there right now and it's worrying many about the islamist organizations growing influence in the kingdom of god more about that later in the program. the next rushes to modern more clarity over the investigation into how a three year old adopted boy died a month ago in the united states his adoptive mother says maxime's death was an accident while moscow suspects the toddler was abused by in his american family locals claim that it's too early for conclusions artes in the situation is in texas
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. twenty russian children in the last seventeen years died in their adoptive american families most recently here in texas much seen close mean known to locals as max shadow just what i heard on the news was just the kid had some scratches. that's all i know three year old mark theme and his younger brother keel lived in this house with their adoptive parents in a rather secluded neighborhood it was from here that on the afternoon of january twenty first the boy was taken away by an ambulance never to come back the boy had severe bruises on his legs head and internal organs we have information that the. boy had been severely beaten. before birth or. to conclude. possibly he had been. maybe killed by his mother can't get into that because it would be speculative. for the results to come
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back russian authorities didn't hear about the case for almost a month. even unfortunately it's usually months after russian child has dined in the u.s. that the american side informs us about it in one case it was five years after a boy died meanwhile at the u.s. state department we obviously take very seriously the welfare of children particularly children who've been adopted from other countries according to moscow a little corporation has been shown until it was demanded. well when one along with two dozen deaths caused by abuse and even manslaughter russia in a move often criticized recently imposed a ban on american adoption of its kids i have always believed that russia should stop these adoptions and i hope that they maintain this ban and don't yield to pressure weeks after means death tax and officials have little to say while they wait for autopsy results the results of the. vestey geisha and with russia heavily
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involved and asking for punishment of those responsible could take weeks to be announced no arrests have yet been made while the investigation of floor paste and the a legit information on the little boy's life and death extremely scarce one of the questions that demand an answer is why should it take a rigid push from abroad for the us to pay attention to yet another tragic destiny of a hopeless child to whom it promised a better life on a thorough and r.t.e. act or county texas. from a group which works for the safety and wellbeing of children in care he believes maxime's death puts american adoption firmly back in the spotlight in general we can say that the adoption system itself is a failure especially in america where the federal government has no control over who actually happens in. you need to have a proper system in place that checks. adoptive parents much better before
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the adoption which has posts auction monitoring all that is not really in place there is screening but it's not properly done post adoption monitoring is impossible. especially in america it is impossible because a right to privacy britain may struggle to keep the likes of in a few years time with the country's energy regulator warning that it's coming dangerously close to power shortages and household bills are likely therefore to skyrocket to because more fields going to need to be brought in from abroad as because e.u. pollution regulations mean that coal fired stations are going to have to close more far to sarah ferguson london. not good news for consumers here in britain after all they've been warned once again that their energy bills is set to rise now this warning was issued by the chief executive of the energy what store of jem and he
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said that a fall in the u.k.'s power production capacity got wherever nubile energy market hasn't quite caught up yet kid be set those even higher as we rely more and more on energy imports i want to put this in context the because the debate around energy bills here in the u.k. has been raging on for years we've had control of a cia for energy terrorist you've got the big six kind of cartel of energy companies that have been under constant criticism for not giving a fair deal to consumers just this morning i was talking to someone about this he said you know it's outrageous i pay a hundred and forty one pounds a month just for my gas that's not including the electricity on the water so you know this is really hitting families here in the incredibly hard it's becoming very scary to get that energy bill through every month millions of households here in the case already in fuel property and it looks like many more could join and so
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that's obviously extremely concerning now the same time it was we've had these warnings before what's happening right now is that you're seeing power station closures here in the u.k. as they try and get some of these old polluting plants off the grid but there hasn't been anything yet that's being boat to replace that and as he said renewable energy isn't quite there yet so there are warnings that we could see a fall in u.k. capacity by as much as ten percent by this april so this is going to be happening fairly quickly now to shed some light on just exactly what is going on and how concerned consumers could be i'm joined by richard welling from the institute of economic affairs thank you very much for joining us not gray. need for consumers we have heard that we're going to be relying more on imports but at the same time you know what we're trying to meet our climate change targets we need to get those operating power plants off the case system so nice but this is unavoidable and i
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don't think so and this is really terrible for news for consumers so the price of going to buy one hundred sixty percent since two thousand and four we've got six million households in fuel poverty expected to rights and nine million within just three years and the problem is of course by having higher energy prices in this country exports economic activity psychiatrist such as china and india so the effects of overall effect on climate change let's be very small say actually could end up being counterproductive even china and india the government has said don't panic and fema if we're going to keep britain flight switched on and actually as countries like china are demanding more imports that's pushing the global prices higher so we're actually removing ourselves in the risk by you know looking towards renewable energy non-fossil fuel types of energy and actually exposing the u.k. more to external risks for example imported gas is a lot more vulnerable to security risks than imported coal it comes from potential flashpoint such as the persian gulf of course some u.s. states now enjoy electricity prices around a third the price in the u.k.
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gas prices around the fifth the price is put in british businesses that's a major competitive disadvantage that's a third of a very controversial debate affecting millions of households all across the cape and it looks like the debate around britain's energy both set to be heated. so a further from us tonight from journalist to black list the u.k.'s media gets a thumbs down from the public at a nationwide poll late to find out who came out worst and why british reporters popularity has taken a nosedive also to the changes story mamma remains discovered in the caucasus by a russian archaeologist we dig into the details of that right after this break.
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welcome back this is r t with me kevin i went to night ok journalists it seems are among britain's least trusted people according to a nationwide survey no less of a look then at the poll but so it's panning out politicians in general come out worse you can see there will ping seventy seven percent of the public don't buy what they've got to say bank is not far behind her only doing slightly better three quarters of people places spacious event no surprise really i guess given the money troubles they're landing the. looking currently but it's journalists not far be our guest that affects me as well journalists are viewed as untrustworthy as bankers old dear more than seventy percent of people in britain no longer believing they're either totally godly is an investigative journalist itself he told me though it's
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the bosses not the journalists that are the blame. it's not the fault of journalists because the people actually control the media really are not the journalists themselves journalists are hired and fired by the managers and boy editors of newspapers the senior staff one of the by products of the financial crisis has been very handy for some because the it's been become much much easier to hire and fire journalists and so what's happening is the media is concentrating in the future of fewer hands and these owners are basically using their outlets to push peddle their own political line and it's very difficult to tell the truth the idea being basically if you're a journalist like me you know don't rock the boat you might end up on the dole so if blome say they're lying it's just that we're not told the entire truth i mean for example in denmark about ten years ago one of the news presenters was actually sacked for being on the news and saying at the end of the news that is what we
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decided to tell you tonight as a bit of a joke but you know there is a lot that isn't being said in our media i mean the b.b.c. is losing its credibility slowly ever since really the one nine hundred ninety s. because of the way it's been being managed not through the fall of the journalist but i mean for example the moment we've got the chairman of the b.b.c.'s chris patten he's a former senior conservative cabinet minister you know he's coming from a very specific point of view i mean i don't really think he should have people without political persuasion or any x. you know senior politicians running the b.b.c. and of course the result is being things like the savile scandal of coming out but nobody is actually being sacked for that. so he goes along with me earlier about flying a war one of more to it than you think oh yes some lie we details of the american air forces insecticides drones that will be able to fly and spy of barley deadly targeted missions want to know more about that song line also on a website or to dog home as well british problems david cameron says he's open to
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channeling money for overseas aid into the military budget he says it's for peacekeeping operations and online from us as well. prosecutors in poland are reportedly set to drop charges against the country's former intelligence chief stemming from allegations that the cia was allowed to run a secret prison in the country it was the first high profile official of any nation to be prosecuted over the so-called black sites aminah parker who coordinates the cia observatory programs as national security is widely used as an excuse for human rights violations there is a very interesting report of the council of europe. marty who are our stated national security is actually. kind of instrument and justification to high human rights violations and i think it might be also a case in poland where the whole investigation and publishing this edition is to
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classified it's covered by state secrecy and this is why. the government and police and prosecutor is they don't want to disclose any information regarding this. major story next to come russian scientists about another huge literally glimpse into a prehistoric past they've discovered the remains of a mammoth it's thought that the area around it could hold more skeletons of the animals to which became extinct tens of thousands of years ago but only a colleague carrie johnson spoke to articulate in a question of who's on earth more details about this amazing line. it wasn't siberia where they found it like many would have thought actually happened in russia's north caucasus now the discovery was made and they caught it in about a region which is a very mountainous area and also home to outgross europe's highest peak now during the seasonal snow saw landslides occur and it's these landslides that can
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reveal what's been burry deep in the ground and that's exactly what happened local researches say that these are the remains of the south and mamma's now that animal lived in europe and central asia some two and a half million years ago which was around the time b. ice age began they were huge animals four meters tall and also known for its curled tusks their laughter african homeland and migrated to eurasia and their last resort is widely seen as what is now sells and russia we should also say that out of seven full mammal skeletons that were found in the world three were found in russia wow what are they going to do with all these remains that well first of all research us will have to date and touch them but the most interesting part here is that they believe that there could be many more remains close by. living near the site have been finding pieces of bone vertebrae for many decades some of them used to
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vertebrates that gives you an idea how large it is one theory suggests that all mammals became extinct at the same time so we may have found an entire graveyard where they were all together before. so we'll wait and see what kind of prehistoric treasure trove the caucus as could be and i've lived in the caucasus and i've reported from the north caucasus and i can tell you it's a place that's really dripping in history which parts of which have been remained untouched for thousands of years and who knows what it actually holds. as the recession bites and currency wars continue there is one safe haven asset gold's growing in popularity is the savings method of choice for more and more people as peter all of the reports sometimes all that glitters is gold those who deal in the mess all say its importance today can't be overstated in crisis when you have consumed prizes and monetary prizes gold and silver every time as
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a security for the people for bad times and with europe still far from outs of the financial woods buying up gold is no longer just the reserve of the super rich the reason we sell small pieces is because we get customers a lot of people see buying gold is something only the rich can do we get customers who i reach poor and everywhere in between just people wanting to secure the value of their cash. well if you're feeling the gold rush in you're in something of a hurry as a.t.m. as they can dispense it whenever you need it here's why greed and fear is a very powerful combination of fear of her demise of all paper money. you put your alone. or paper money is global and if that actually happens that will trigger praise three where everybody has to go into gold because they will feel that. that
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their paper money will be worthless one reason behind swapping currency for carrots could be more stark than this gold silver is a real monetary well is a paper it's printed it's like leg monopoly and it's that feeling that the way you would you were with no longer hitting the right notes. that sending europeans on the hunt for metal that matters peter all of the r.t. germany. briefs tonight two explosions in central hyderabad in india of killed at least eleven and wounded at least fifty more the civil tailless blasts happen within meters of each other eight died in the first bombing while the other attack claimed three lives the devices were attached of bicycles which were left in a crowded marketplace all major cities nationwide are now on high alert. in the very heart of the e.u. in brussels this is what belgium workers think it was staring tens of thousands turned out to provide better job security over double the number expected like most
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european countries bowser's been tightening its belt to survive economic crisis gripping the continent. in a nearly two thousand palestinians march meantime to an israeli prison in support of anger strikers in jail but it descended into riots when security forces tried to disperse the crowds eventually resorting to rubber bullets and tear gas to march follows a high court refusal to hear a petition for parole from one of the striking prisoners the public anger is mainly focused on claims the inmates are in a critical condition and were wrongfully detained in the first place. the muslim brotherhood has been expanding its political presence in jordan becoming the kingdom's most viable opposition movement the islamist organizations going to acceptance within the ruling want to keep with its humanitarian work winning over some of the population but as lucy caffein off reports next many locals worry about the possibility of living life under the organizations islamic rule. when it comes to the arts professor mohsen us four works to bridge the divide between east and west influenced by both islamic and renaissance art he hopes to inspire his
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students with the same passion. but he's going concerned about the muslim brotherhood's rise to power in the region a force says his students don't want to lose the freedoms they now enjoy and often worry about how their lives could change if jordan came under islamist rule and when a. future they would destroy but . maybe if all is covered by islamic brothers. we are afraid. of the mass. but not all share in that fear for decades the muslim brotherhood enjoyed a safe haven in jordan even as it was outlawed elsewhere in the middle east the monarchies tolerance has helped the group to become the country's most influential islamist organization.
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so. that system was on a full display at this islamic hospital in downtown amman the muslim brotherhood has gained support throughout the arab world with its model of combining political activism with charity work here in jordan the brotherhood is responsible for building schools clinics and hospitals like this one a critical lifeline for the nation's poor. emboldened by the arab spring rise of their counterparts jordan's brotherhood is seeking more power it rallied behind calls for democratic reform of the country's political system trying to cast itself as the face of the opposition the group has vowed to refrain from violence but its leader saeed to promise jordan would soon become part of the muslim caliph it rejoice. victory is. hand. and islamic state will be created on this land so that good can prevail. in january the brotherhood made its move
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leading a boycott of the parliamentary elections but instead of being a nonevent high voter turnout evidence perhaps that jordan's brotherhood isn't ready for prime time just yet. and. i have a lot of concerns and must be resolved before i can support the muslim brothers we've seen the recent rise in egypt and tunisia but so far they haven't proven to be a good solution in either of those two countries the power grab has also turned off some longtime brother. who is recovering in the islamic hospital. the muslim brotherhood the street from its traditional role in helping communities now it's too focused on getting poll. despite such sentiments and fears about its true intentions the brotherhood still remains the only organized political opposition in town for now the group will have to bide its time helping perhaps that regional instability could tip the balance in their favor they think.


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